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Read what other patients have said about us:

Judy L., Cypress

Today was my first visit at Williams Dental Care. I'm always anxious during my dental visits; however, I felt at ease right away after checking in with the receptionist and then the dental assistant, who were both warm and personable. Dr. Ida is the best. She was gentle and very informative.

Whitney H, Cypress

The new staff at Williams Dental Care is awesome. They are all very professional and experienced. They made me feel comfortable right away. I appreciate their knowledge and guidance. Thank you

Michele P, Cypress

First visit with this dentist and it was amazing. Going in due to pain so starting off on a bad foot but everyone was caring and concerned and put me at ease. And that is a lot as i am petrified of dentist.

Donnie E, Cypress

Office personnel and Dr were very nice and friendly

Dental Health

As dental professionals it is our priority to provide quality dental care you can trust.
